2022-2023 | Michigan Creative
Student Mental Health Campaign
Purpose: This is a university-wide, CASE award-winning campaign that directs students to mental health resources on campus and reduces the stigma of accessing resources.
With market research from our student population, I developed characters that represent common emotions or concerns that students may experience— rendered in a colorful, friendly, and approachable hand-drawn manner. The year-long marketing plan was vast and rolled out characters in timely moments— like a “stressed out” character during finals. Or a multi-colored character, an adaptation of a well-known wellness logo on campus, that sometimes steps in to assist the other characters.
Format: Reaching such a large audience meant adapting artwork for numerous print and digital platforms, hundreds of pieces were created to reach students in all corners— from common areas on campus to social media. I am also developing simple animated video ads for the upcoming academic year to further expand our reach.